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Radar in earth sciences.


Australian Weather Watch Radar Home Page

The Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology's Weather Watch Radar website provides up-to-date radar images of the locations of rain in Australia in relation to local features such as coast lines. The newly developed Loops provide four consecutive radar images so that users can view how the weather has been changing in the last forty to fifty minutes. The website provides radar images of past cyclone...
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission

In 2000 the Space Shuttle Endeavour was able to conserve enough fuel to complete its mission and create the world's most accurate topographic maps. With this site, users can track the mission and view some samples of the extraordinary images being produced. At the SRTM homepage, users will find news updates, background information, some quick facts, related links, an overview of the mission's...
Space Radar Images of Earth (SIR-C/X-SAR)

Images from the Spaceborn Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) project are available from 1994 to the present. The radar was launched in 1994 to study the changing global environment. The newest images are available on the main page while older images can be viewed by selecting one of nine categories: Archaeology; Cities; Ecology & Agriculture; Geology, Interferometry;...
STS-99 Mission Control Center Status Reports

In 2000 the Space Shuttle Endeavour was able to conserve enough fuel to complete its mission and create the world's most accurate topographic maps. With this site, users can track the mission and view some samples of the extraordinary images being produced. The STS-99 Mission Status Reports site contains the news from Mission Control.