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United States. Declaration of Independence


Creating the United States

As with other countries, the United States is very much a "work in progress". Of course, the nation's founders made a concerted effort to form a republic that would be able to govern effectively across a large geographic region and a plethora of different cultural traditions. This thoughtful and introspective online exhibit from the Library of Congress brings together a set of interactive... The Declaration of Independence

This Website provides substantial information about the Declaration of Independence, its history, the men who signed it, and an online version of the famous document. Also included here is a lengthy excerpt from Thomas Jefferson's autobiography detailing the drafting of the Declaration, as well as profiles of all 56 signatories, information about the Graff House at the outskirts of...
With Liberty and Justice For All

What is liberty? What is justice? These are two timely questions that concern most learned citizens. The Henry Ford Museum has created this online exhibit which explores ideas about independence, voting rights for women, and the civil rights movement. The online exhibit complements an in situ exhibit and visitors can view highlights from that exhibit, take a video tour, and read though a rich...