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View Resource FDA: Antibiotic Resistance

In the past few years, there have been more reports of bacteria that are increasingly resilient to antibiotics. Understandably, this antibiotic resistance is of great concern to the medical community in terms of public health, and is due largely to the increased use of antibiotics. With this in mind, the United States Food and Drug Administration has developed this Web site to inform the general...
View Resource Pharmacogenomics

The first Web site (1) from the National Center for Biotechnology Information offers a brief introduction to pharmacogenomics, a new science that "examines the inherited variations in genes that dictate drug response and explores the ways these variations can be used to predict whether a patient will have a good response to a drug, a bad response to a drug, or no response at all." This Web site...
View Resource WHO Guidelines on Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) for Medicinal Plants

As part of its Essential Drugs and Medicine Policy website, the World Health Organization (WHO) has created a series of important guidelines related to good agricultural and collection practices (GACP) for medicinal plants. Given that the information about the overall importance of the healing powers of various plants, this seems like a rather sound idea. This mission is also related to a broader...