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EERE: Education

This website hosted by the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy offers links to educational and training resources on energy. They provide information relevant to students, school administrators and homeowners, in addition to the usual resources for teachers such as curriculum and lesson plans. The section for students provides ideas for energy-related science projects and links to...
Energy Education Resources: Kindergarten Through 12th Grade

"_Energy Education Resources: Kindergarten Through 12th Grade_ is published by the National Energy Information Center (NEIC), a service of the Energy Information Administration (EIA), to provide students, educators, and other information users a list of generally available free or low-cost energy-related educational materials." The website is divided into 12 energy categories such as coal,...
Energy Efficiency

As temperatures rise this summer and people turn on their air conditioners, the stakeholders in the electricity supply system worry about system overload. To help prevent overload, people can use less by conserving energy or find more efficient ways to use the energy they do. As researchers develop new technologies, and industry tries to promote those technologies, policy advocates look at...
Home Power Magazine

Home Power Magazine has been a resource for "home-scale renewable energy and sustainable living solutions" since 1987. Articles from the current issue of the magazine are available to download free of charge on this website. Some older articles are also posted in the Downloads section. For visitors wanting to find out what back issue to purchase, the HP archive includes a search function and...
National Academies: The Hydrogen Economy

This news release from the National Academies reviews findings on the challenges and opportunities for a Hydrogen Economy. According to the report, "A transition to hydrogen as a major fuel in the next 50 years could significantly change the U.S. energy economy, reducing air emissions and expanding domestic energy resources, but technical, economic, and infrastructure barriers need to be...
National Energy Foundation

The National Energy Foundation (NEF) is a nonprofit educational organization that provides a host of educational materials and programs primarily related to discussing natural resources, technology, conservation, and the environment. The NEF also provides a number of teacher training and student programs that complement their existing work. Young people visiting the site will want to look over the...
The British Wind Energy Association

The British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) is the professional Association for the UK wind industry, which represents over 300 companies. The BWEA released a report February 24, 2004 showing that "over a gigawatt of new wind capacity will be installed in the UK over the next 24 months, with an investment of over £1 billion and an end result of enough clean electricity to power a million homes."...
Two on the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor

The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is the name of a revolutionary new power plant that, when completed, will produce the first sustained nuclear fusion reactions. ITER is the culmination of a massive effort, slated as "the world's largest international cooperative research and development project after the International Space Station." In a news report from the British...
U.S. Department of Energy: FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program

The FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program, under direction of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, works "to strengthen America's energy security, environmental quality, and economic vitality." The Program is a collaborative effort with industry leaders to develop transportation technologies that reduce the nation's dependence on imported oil and...
US Geological Survey World Energy Project

The World Energy Project's Website holds a wide collection of data including province assessment reports and maps showing geology, oil and gas fields, and geologic provinces (Africa, Arabian Peninsula, South Asia, South America, Former Soviet Union, Asia Pacific Region, and Iran). Finally, a report ranks the world's oil and gas provinces by known petroleum volumes.
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