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Weather forecasting

Canada. (1)
Databases (2)
Software (3)
United States (14)


1999 Hurricane Season: Are Predictions Proving True?

Hurricane researchers around the country are expecting 1999 to be an unusually active hurricane season. Though still early in the mid-August through October season, the North Atlantic has already seen two tropical storms (Arlene and Emily) and three hurricanes (Bret, Cindy, and Dennis). While Hurricane Bret struck land in a rural portion of South Texas, and Dennis flirted with the coasts of North...
Australian Weather Watch Radar Home Page

The Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology's Weather Watch Radar website provides up-to-date radar images of the locations of rain in Australia in relation to local features such as coast lines. The newly developed Loops provide four consecutive radar images so that users can view how the weather has been changing in the last forty to fifty minutes. The website provides radar images of past cyclone...
Environment Canada

Environment Canada's Web server (English and French) includes Canada's climate and meteorological data updated daily, monthly, and seasonally. Forecasts, maps, satellite images, and weather service modernization information is available.
Indigenous Weather Knowledge

Produced by the Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, this Web site exhibits seasonal weather calendars created by Indigenous people thousands of years ago. The site first discusses the Aboriginal people in Australia and their methods for dealing with past climate changes. Studying the calendars, users will notice that Indigenous people dealt with climate on a local scale and recognized a varying...
National Science Foundation: Predicting Seasonal Weather

How does a meteorologist or other such individual predict seasonal weather? That question forms the basis for this special report from the National Science Foundation. The interactive report starts by offering an explanation of how the U.S. economy is affected by weather conditions, and it reviews a bit of material on how different businesses attempt to mitigate the effect of varying weather...
National Severe Storms Laboratory

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (mentioned in the November 11, 1998 Scout Report) sponsors the National Severe Storms Laboratory. The primary goal of this Environmental Research Laboratory is to improve short-term predictions of hazardous weather events such as blizzards, ice storms, and tornadoes. Ongoing research conducted in the Stormscale (SRAD) and Mesoscale (MRAD)...

Net-Weather presents a host of meteorological information for the UK at this website. Users can find out seasonal, monthly, 10-day, and additional relevant weather forecasts. The Charts and Data link offers live satellite images, links to numerous forecast models, and data on sea temperatures and anomalies. For people who like winter and snow, the website offers interesting stories about famous...
NOAA Satellite and Information Service

"The Satellite Services Division of the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) provides real time access to satellite data and products for the public and government." Users can locate Hazard Mapping System (HMS) Fire Analysis, real-time satellite fire monitoring, Web-based GIS fire analysis, and additional fire products. The OSEI (Operational Significant Event...
Predicting Seasonal Weather

Recently, the National Science Foundation has developed a number of Flash-enabled features that showcase the latest research done under their general direction. Many of these features deal directly with a host of pragmatic issues, and some are quite delightful in their overall execution and visual appeal. One such feature highlighted on this site deals with predicting seasonal weather. Of course,...
Scripps Institution of Oceanography: Climate Research Division

The Climate Research Division (CRD) explains its role in Scripps Institution of Oceanography's goals by researching short and long term climate change and humans' influence on the climate. This site offers links to the homepages of the Division research projects including the Ocean State Estimation and the Experimental Climate Prediction Center (ECPC). Users can view images of the el Ni'o forecast...
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