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Extinction (Biology)


Biology in Motion

Produced by Dr. Leif Saul, a biology teacher and Web site/ game developer, Biology in Motion has two new interactive education activities. Organize-It introduces an alternative way to test biological understanding by organizing concepts hierarchically. This exercise intends to "remedy some of the shortcomings of the traditional multiple-choice quiz." Users can choose self-tests from a variety of...
Bushmeat Crisis Task Force

This Web site is the homepage of the Bushmeat Crisis Task Force (BCTF), a nonprofit organization that works toward "identifying and implementing effective and appropriate solutions to the commercial exploitation of endangered and threatened species." In addition to providing information on BCTF projects and upcoming events, the Web site offers a comprehensive collection of articles meant to raise...
New Theory for Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction

250 Million years ago, about 90 percent of ocean life and 70 percent of land species were wiped out in a relatively short geologic time span. A new study appearing today in Science magazine suggests that this die-off was triggered by a comet or asteroid collision similar to the one that many believed later killed off the dinosaurs. The lead author of the study, Luann Becker of the University of...
Project Passenger Pigeon

With a population over 3 billion in the mid-1800s, the passenger pigeon was once the most abundant land bird in North America. Yet by the end of the nineteenth century it was extremely endangered, becoming extinct by 1914. Such a rapid decline has led many to ask what happened and what can we learn from this tragedy? The Project Passenger Pigeon site asks such compelling questions and offers some...