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North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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As the city balances security concerns with the requests of protestors, Chicago prepares for the NATO summit

Police, Protestors Prepare for NATO Summit NATO, Protests Getting Attention in Chicago-Area Classrooms Preparing for Battle in a War of Ideas at Protest...
Civilian Deaths in the NATO Air Campaign

Released in February 2000, this 79-page report from Human Rights Watch (HRW) maintains that approximately 500 civilians lost their lives in 90 separate incidents as a result of NATO bombing in Yugoslavia last year. The number of deaths is much higher than admitted by the NATO governments, and much lower than the Yugoslav government's claims. Based on a three-week investigation of 42 sites in...
EU Civilian Crisis Management: The Record So Far [pdf]

In the preface to this 70-page paper, recently completed by RAND researcher Christopher S. Chivvis he state, "Since 2000, the European Union has been "developing civilian capabilities for use in civilian missions, including postconflict and other environments". This subject is of particular interest to researchers at the RAND Corporation's International Security and Defense Policy Center and this...
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 14: Did NATO Win the Cold War?

In light of the 50th anniversary of NATO, Vojtech Mastny has written "Did NATO Win the Cold War? Looking over the Wall," an article that views the history of NATO "from the other side." To supplement his article, which appears in the May-June 1999 issue of Foreign Affairs, the author and the National Security Archive (see the September 20, 1996 Scout Report) have compiled 23 documents to provide...
NATO Sending Troops to Macedonia: Conditions of Mission Laid Out

In hopes of maintaining the fragile cease-fire between Macedonian troops and ethnic Albanian guerillas, NATO announced Wednesday, August 15, that it is sending 400 British troops to Macedonia. On Friday, August 17, a small contingent of British troops -- about 50 members -- will arrive in the capital Skopje to study the military situation on the ground. The remaining British troops are to follow...
North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Created in 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an alliance of 26 different countries from both sides of the Atlantic. With a mutual agenda, these countries have worked together on a wide array of ventures, including peacekeeping missions and monitoring terrorist activities. On their website, visitors can learn about their more recent work, as well as previous activities, such as...