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Energy consumption

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2001 Annual Energy Review

The US Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration (EIA) describes itself as providing policy-independent data, forecasts, and analyses to promote sound policy making, efficient markets, and public understanding regarding energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment. The EIA Web site provides many informational pages and publications including the newly released...
Energy Efficiency

As temperatures rise this summer and people turn on their air conditioners, the stakeholders in the electricity supply system worry about system overload. To help prevent overload, people can use less by conserving energy or find more efficient ways to use the energy they do. As researchers develop new technologies, and industry tries to promote those technologies, policy advocates look at...
Energy Efficiency and Electric Motors

Electric motors account for about half of all energy consumption in the US. They can be found just about everywhere; in fact, motors control the majority of moving parts in machines. Being so widespread, it is possible to see substantial energy savings with just a small improvement in efficiency. A very comprehensive overview of electric motors can be found on the Machine Design Web site (1). It...
Energy Information Administration (EIA) Kid's Page

Students can take this fun tour with the Energy Ant to learn all about energy and how to use it wisely. This site, developed by the National Energy Information Center, offers a history of energy and its uses as well as descriptions of the Pioneers in Energy. Students can gain an understanding of the processes of the many renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. The site compares the energy use...
Home Power Magazine

Home Power Magazine has been a resource for "home-scale renewable energy and sustainable living solutions" since 1987. Articles from the current issue of the magazine are available to download free of charge on this website. Some older articles are also posted in the Downloads section. For visitors wanting to find out what back issue to purchase, the HP archive includes a search function and...
National Energy Foundation

The National Energy Foundation (NEF) is a nonprofit educational organization that provides a host of educational materials and programs primarily related to discussing natural resources, technology, conservation, and the environment. The NEF also provides a number of teacher training and student programs that complement their existing work. Young people visiting the site will want to look over the...
The Rocky Mountain Institute: Home Resource Efficiency

The Rocky Mountain Institute offers an informational Web site entitled Home Resource Efficiency. Visitors can learn several tips and tricks on how to keep their home as energy efficient as possible with link titles such as Energy Efficiency: First Things First; Appliances and Lighting; Home Cooling; Household Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Savings Measures; Household Water Efficiency;...