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Public opinion -- United States

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American National Election Studies

Established in 1977 by the National Science Foundation, the American National Election Studies (ANES) remains as vital a national research resource as ever. Their website provides important information about public opinion in the United States along with sophisticated election databases that will be useful to policy makers and social scientists. Along the left-hand side of their site visitors will...
National Religious Attitudes Survey of Catholics, 1997

The American Religion Data Archive (ARDA) (see the December 11, 1998 Scout Report) has recently added three significant data sets of interest to academics in religious studies or sociology. This data set comes from a national survey of Catholics on "controversial issues facing the church today." A description, codebook, files, and variable/ survey question search engine are also provided.
Public Agenda Online

Public Agenda, a nonpartisan, nonprofit research organization devoted to public opinion, policy analysis, and citizen education, has recently relaunched its Website. Public Agenda Online provides eighteen issue guides that cover topics such as crime, education, environment, immigration, social security, and welfare. Each issue guide contains an overview of the issue, a news digest of recent...
WP Politics

The Washington Post (discussed in the June 21, 1996 Scout Report) has recently added this section, a compendium of features covering various areas of the American political scene. In addition to the excellent daily coverage of federal politics, it contains analysis of the newly released national budget, news on upcoming political campaigns, a guide section with directory information on members of...