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Chemistry -- Textbooks.


All about Chemical Bonding

Stephen Lower, a retired professor at Simon Fraser University, created this expansive and instructive website as a supplement to formal chemistry education for undergraduate students. Visitors will find in-depth descriptions along with several diagrams dealing with chemical bonding issues including their properties, shared-electron covalent bonds, hybrid orbitals, coordination complexes, and...
Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table

Any online chemistry textbook that contains a photograph of Max Planck and Albert Einstein on its first page definitely sets the right tone, and Stephen Lower's textbook certainly falls into that category. Over the past several years Lower has been working on this textbook, and for students looking for a bit of refresher on the world of the structure of atoms and the periodic table, this is the...
Chem1 Virtual Textbook

Chemistry serves as a fundamental discipline for those who will go on to careers in everything from medicine to nutrition and it is important for students of this science to have a wide range of resources at their disposal. One rather useful online resource is this virtual textbook for general chemistry created and updated by Professor Stephen Lower of Simon Fraser University. Visitors to the site...
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

CHEMnetBASE is an informational Web site provided by the chemical reference publisher Chapman & Hall / CRC. Although some resources on the site are for subscribers only, the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is available to anyone. The Handbook contains a wealth of helpful information for researchers ranging from Constants and Units to Thermochemistry and Kinetics. These and many more subjects...