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Cookery -- Study and teaching

Audio-visual aids. (2)


Advanced Kitchen Chemistry

There is a great deal of chemistry going on in every kitchen, even though most cooks may not be cognizant of the various interactions going on in the pot, wok, or oven. MIT's popular OpenCourseWare Initiative has recently made the contents of Dr. Patricia Christie's course on kitchen chemistry available on this site. Visitors to the site can download the syllabus, take in some assigned readings...
Exploratorium: Iron Science Teacher

People in the Bay Area love to cook, and that can mean mixing up everything from home-grown arugula to free trade pumpkins. The good folks at San Francisco's Exploratorium have cooked up the Iron Science Teacher presentations in an attempt to bring together the worlds of science and the culinary arts. To no one's surprise, they have succeeded, and the results include a fine mix of science...
Food and Science: Cook and Eat Chemistry

This curriculum guide was developed by the Utah State Board of Education to assist teachers in developing lesson plans for food science and food preparation courses at the high school level. Key features include the lesson plans and a brief nutrient review. The lesson plans are divided into eleven categories covering topics such as microorganisms, the scientific method, the nature of water,...
The Accidental Scientist: Cooking

Another great Web site from the Exploratorium in San Francisco (last mentioned in the August 16, 2002 NSDL MET Report), The Accidental Scientist: Cooking is the first in a series of "Web-based projects focusing on the science behind everyday life." Offering a mind-boggling array of food-related information and activities, foodies and science-lovers alike should find this Web site extremely...