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Terrorism -- Prevention

Government policy (8)
Technological innovations (5)


An Edge Question: What Now ?

This feature from the nonprofit Edge Foundation, Inc. (reviewed previously in the July 25, 2000 Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities) is an impressive collection of thoughtful words in response to the recent terrorist attacks and ensuing war. The Edge postulated the question, "What now?" to its members with the idea that, as editor John Brockman explains, "within the community is...
Countering the New Terrorism

_Countering the New Terrorism_, a new 153-page book published by RAND, has recently been made available online. The book contains four chapters that address the changes, trends, and implications of the new terrorism. The introductory chapter, written by Ian O. Lesser, overviews the changes in terrorism in a changing world. The second chapter, "Terrorism Trends and Prospects," by Bruce Hoffman,...
DARPA Fact File: A Compendium of DARPA Programs

In April 2002, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) released this overview of its current work. The report summarizes many of the organization's main programs, which are grouped into three broad areas. The first area details the efforts being made to minimize threats and ensure national security. Development of new technologies and advanced systems is highlighted in the second...
Federation of American Scientists: Intelligence Resource Program

Founded in 1945 by members of the Manhattan Project, the main commitment of the Federation of American Scientists is to end "the worldwide arms race." This section of its Web site has extensive information about US and international intelligence resources and the threat of terrorism, many of which are technology related. For example, chemical and biological weapons are discussed in several...
Hearing on FBI Counterterrorism Efforts

Available on the Washington Post Web site, the above listed link is the entire transcript of the Senate's Judiciary Committee hearing on FBI counterterrorism efforts held on June 6, 2002. Users can view remarks from members of the committee, and hear testimonials from others such as the FBI director and Inspector General Glenn Fine. Although the transcript is rather long, it not only gives...
ICT: The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism

Based in Israel, the ICT has opened a new site that will prove very valuable to anyone researching regional violence or radical groups. The site provides background information and articles dealing with terrorist groups and terrorism, a list of International Terrorist Organizations, a searchable database on Terrorist Attacks, and daily updates on related worldwide events. Additional resources...
Making the Nation Safer: The Role of Science and Technology in Countering Terrorism

Prepared by the National Research Council (NRC), this report on the contributions of science and technology to defend against terrorism is in the pre-publication form. Because the entire document is nearly 400 pages long, it is divided by chapter for easier downloading. The report begins with discussions of different kinds of threats that face the US, such as biological pathogens and nuclear and... is a special report of the United States Institute of Peace about "How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet." Professor Gabriel Weimann of Haifa University, Israel, reports on websites maintained by terrorist organizations and "identifies no fewer than eight different ways in which terrorists are using the Internet to advance their cause, ranging from psychological warfare to recruitment,...
Terrorism and Security Collection

The National Academies Press (NAP) offers the full text of several publications related to bioterrorism, laboratory safety, and cryptography, among other topics, for browsing online. Although not all of the titles are new, NAP has collected them on one page for easy access in light of current events. The 26 titles include Airline Passenger Security Screening: New Technologies and Implementation...
The International Centre For The Study of Radicalisation And Political Violence

The online presence of ICSR, the multi-institutional and multi-national effort to combat radicalization and political violence highlights their pragmatic approach to this growing worldwide problem. The "About Us" section is written in English, Arabic, and Hebrew, and explains that the ICSR aims to achieve their goals through the use of research, "outcome driven dialogue", leadership opportunities,...
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