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Stream conservation -- United States


River Network Online

The mission of River Network, a non-governmental organization, is "to help people organize to protect and restore rivers and watersheds." To that end, the River Network homepage offers a wealth of information and links on rivers and watersheds including publications, upcoming conferences, watershed protection issues, river conservation job listings, related organizations, and a searchable National...
Urban Rivers Awareness

The Academy of Natural Sciences (Philadelphia) hosts this page on Urban Rivers Awareness. Offering information both general (e.g., the importance of water and watersheds) and specific (e.g., Manatwany Creek dam study), the site introduces viewers to urban river issues via an ecological study on the removal of a dam in Pennsylvania. Site content is directed towards raising awareness of urban rivers...
Wild and Scenic Rivers

The U.S. government website that outlines the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act offers a good explanation of the Act, including details on how far the Act can go in protecting designated scenic, wild, and recreational rivers. Definitions of those terms are provided in the middle of the homepage. One of the unique features of the Act is that it relies on voluntary stewardship by landowners and...