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Sports -- United States


Professional and College Sports Still Grappling with Security Issues

The question of security in major sports venues has been the subject of much contention, and even more so after 9/11. On September 19, 2002, at a Chicago White Sox baseball game in Comiskey Park, two fans jumped out of their seats and onto the field to attack Kansas City Royals first-base coach Tom Gamboa. While the coach only suffered a minor cut and bruises, a pocket-knife belonging to one of...
Sports: Breaking Records, Breaking Barriers

As long as there are those who seek to extend the field of athletic endeavor through invention (such as James L. Plimpton, creator of the modern roller skate), or those who break racial barriers (such as the great Jackie Robinson), there will be those who seek to commemorate and examine their legacy. Designed to complement a current exhibition at the National Museum of American History, this fine...