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(1 classification) (2 resources)

Motion picture industry -- United States

Societies, etc. (2)


View Resource Germans in Hollywood

Created and maintained by Hyde Flippo, this Web site pays homage to the long-standing connection between the Germanic world and the bright lights of Hollywood and the film industry. As Flippo contends in a brief introduction to the site, "No other single influence on American cinema has been greater than that from the German-speaking world." Given the preponderance of such Hollywood legends like...
View Resource Hollywood 10

Hollywood 10 is dedicated to telling the story of the 1947 House on Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) hearings which targeted a core group of nine Hollywood screenwriters and one director as Communists. The site lists some of the key players involved and includes an interesting essay on the events leading to the creation of HUAC and the 1948 blacklist issued by the heads of the major...