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Physical sciences -- Research

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A Mathematical Way To Think About Biology

Created by David Liao, this site offers a way for scientists, educators and others to investigate biological systems using a physical sciences perspective. On the site, visitors will find video tutorials, classroom fact sheets, and a set of helpful illustrations. First up, is the section dedicated to providing resources for folks interested in pre-algebra, algebra, geometry and pre-calculus. Here...
Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing

The Cornell Theory Center (CTC) is "a high-performance computing and interdisciplinary research center." Projects conducted at the center have a wide range of topics, but the common focus of each is how sophisticated computer systems can analyze and classify data to solve problems. The CTC Web site has extensive information about its five main research programs, and there are several papers and...
Dynamic Equilibrium, Self-Organizing Systems, and Chaos Theory

It is commonly thought that the behavior of physical systems is controlled by deterministic laws, yet physical processes appear to be unpredictable. This Topic in Depth discusses how the concepts of self-regulating systems, dynamic equilibrium, and chaos theory help to rectify this conundrum. The first website ({1--}), developed by...
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funds research and training in the UK in engineering and the physical sciences. Viewing public engagement as important for stimulating interest in research, inspiring future generations of researchers and, "helping the research base evolve in tune with the changing needs of a more informed society," the EPSRC also promotes public...
High Flux Reactor Isotope Facility

Located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Tennessee, the High Flux Reactor Isotope Facility (HFIR) produces transuranium isotopes for research, industrial, and medical applications. It is also used for a variety of neutron flux experiments. The HFIR Website gives an informative overview of the science and engineering behind the reactor. Visitors can get acquainted with HFIR's history,...
Institute for Physical Problems Research Group

The Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute for Physical Problems (IPP) explores aspects of low-dimensional magnets, non-linear dynamics of magnetically ordered crystals, and magnetic resonance. Researchers can learn how the ESR spectrometers utilized by the group permit flexibility in their experiments. Students and educators can discover the importance of quasi 1D magnet with ladder structure...
Research News at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

From the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's (LBL) Public Information Department, the Research News Website contains a store of news on physics, chemistry, and life science research. Written in a layperson's language, this resource accesses current news releases and the lab's newspaper (Currents) and magazine (Research Review). The highlight of this site is the searchable Science Articles Archive which...