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Materials science -- Technological innovations.


Design inSite

Manufacturing engineers and home project hobbyists alike will find Design inSite a useful tool in their design process. The site is maintained by an associate research professor at the Technical University of Denmark, and its purpose is to "inspire designers in their designwork to consider materials and processes which are new or unknown to them." This is accomplished with an impressive set of...
Materials Research Science & Engineering Centers: Highlights

The National Science Foundation funds 26 Materials Research Science & Engineering Centers (MRSEC) and website highlights research conducted at the MRSECs at universities across the United States. The featured projects have been "selected with care and pride by the director of each MRSEC" and "represent samples of exemplary research at the Centers." Some examples include Cornell University's work...

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a branch of engineering that detects and evaluates flaws in materials. NDTnet is a monthly online journal that offers news and information about NDT technology and ultrasonics. Research papers and conference proceedings are often included as well, complete with abstracts. This is the Web site of the August, 2002 issue, which has "selected papers of the 3rd...
Papers: Sixth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology

The Foresight Institute has made available links to full papers submitted to the Sixth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology. This conference was held November 12-15, 1998, in Santa Clara, California.