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Earth sciences -- Observations


Earth Science Picture of the Day

Administered by the Universities Space Research Association, this website features a new fantastic image, picture, graphic, or artwork everyday dealing with an aspect of earth science. Visitors can find information about the featured phenomenon in the caption and from provided links. Archives dating back to September 2000 include images of Hurricane Andrew, Typhoon Bilis, Aorounga Impact Crater,...
GSFC Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Center

The Distributed Active Archive Center is provided by the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA). This stupendous resource is comprised of a plethora of pages (Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Dynamics, Field Experiments, Hydrology, Interdisciplinary, Land Biosphere, and Ocean Color) containing earth science data and information. Online FTP access is available for Atmospheric...
National Strong-Motion Program Data Sets

The US Geological Survey National Strong-Motion Program (NSMP) Data Sets Web site contains three informative and helpful digital data compilations. These include the Digitized Strong-Motion Accelerograms of North and Central American Earthquakes 1933-1986, which is a collection of 1,477 three-component station recordings from nearly 500 earthquakes. The second is the National Strong-Motion Network...
Soil Temperatures

For over a hundred years the Illinois State Water Survey, part of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, "has documented quality data on a wide multitude of water and atmospheric variables". Within the main Web site is the Soil Temperatures page, which provides daily publication of maps based on data from various sites across the state. These include a 10am 4 inch bare soil temperature,...
University of Alabama in Huntsville: Earth System Science Center (ESSC)

The University of Alabama in Huntsville created the Earth System Science Center (ESSC) "to encourage interdisciplinary study of the Earth as an integrated system across traditional boundaries." This website offers innumerable links to research projects associated with the Center. Users can learn about studies to understand the accumulation of ozone and other oxidants near the ground, the use of...
Visible Earth: A Searchable Directory of Images, Visualizations, and Animations of the Earth

NASA's Visible Earth site is a solid and easy-to-use collection of images and animations of our planet. At present, the database holds 4,275 records and may be searched by keyword or advanced search options or browsed by category and topic. Initial returns include a large thumbnail which links to a several-paragraph description and the full-size images or animations. A nice resource for both...