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View Resource National Education Writers Association

Founded in 1947, the National Education Writers Association (EWA) was created in order to improve education reporting to the public. Currently the EWA has over 1000 members, and their number includes those who work in a variety of media, including broadcast news and print publications. Visitors to their homepage can take a look at their weblog, "Education Reform", which reports on what various...
View Resource Survival Guide for New Teachers

Announced on July 25, this new 28-page guide from the US Department of Education is aimed at new teachers, "with a particular emphasis on the relationships they formed with their colleagues, university professors, and their students' parents." The guide is divided into sections that examine these relationships (Working With Parents, Working With Veteran Teachers, Working With Principals, and...
View Resource The Center for Teaching Excellence

A number of colleges and universities have excellent sites dedicated to helping professors and other educators learn more about effective teaching methods. In recent years, more than a few community colleges have also adopted such techniques, creating a plethora of websites geared towards assisting educators. The first site profiled is from the Lansing Community College’s Center For Teaching...