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Civilization, Classical -- Study and teaching -- Audio-visual aids

Computer network resources (1)


Art of the First Cities: The Third Millenium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus

Designed to complement "Art of the First Cities" -- an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum through August 17, 2003 --this Web site presents almost two dozen examples of Third Millennium B.C. art from the region called the "cradle of civilization," an area stretching from the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean across Iran and Central Asia to the Indus Valley. The site is divided into eight thematic...
Classics Unveiled

Classics Unveiled was developed by Neil Jenkins, Sumair Mirza and Jason Tang as a way to teach the web-browsing public about the various aspects of the ancient world, ranging from the massive world of Greek and Roman mythology, Roman history, Roman culture, and the Latin language and its pervasive influence on English. The site is divided into four primary areas, and visitors may opt to browse...