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Women -- Economic conditions

Statistics (1)


Engendering Development

Published online in late May, this report from the World Bank is subtitled "Enhancing Development through Attention to Gender." Beginning with the oft-supported premise that "income growth and economic development promote gender equality in the long run," the report argues for a three-part global strategy for promoting gender equality: 1. a reform of economic and judicial institutions, 2. the...
Institute for Women’s Policy Research

With over ten years of experience, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) continues to inform the general public and policymakers about the critical issues that affect women and their families. The IWPR is primarily focused with addressing questions of poverty and welfare, employment and earnings, health and safety, and women’s civic and political participation. From their homepage,...
Social Watch

Taken as a whole, Social Watch as an international network of citizens' groups concerned with the "fulfillment of internationally agreed commitments on poverty eradication and equality." These citizens' groups are also responsible for submitting national reports, promoting dialogue about these development priorities, and developing an inclusive strategy in order to bring other groups into the...
The World's Women 2000: Trends and Statistics

A significant collection of data documenting the status of women at the turn of the new millennium has appeared on the Web. The online digest of the United Nation's The World's Women 2000: Trends and Statistics, was posted in late May and provides data and analysis on the worldwide status of women. It highlights statistics "on women's situation as compared to men's in a broad range of fields --...
Women, Enterprise & Society: A Guide to Resources in the Business Manuscripts Collection at Baker Library

Presented by Baker Library of Harvard Business School, Women, Enterprise and Society (WES) is an online publication that identifies materials in the Business Manuscripts Collection at Baker Library and documents women's participation in American business and culture from the eighteenth through the twentieth century. The launch of WES represents the culmination of a three-year project to identify...