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Economic development -- Africa


Aid and Reform in Africa: Lessons from Ten Case Studies

Released on March 28, 2001, this new World Bank report investigates the impact of development aid on economic policy in ten African countries. Among the findings is the discovery that in nations where political leaders are not committed to reform, aid can actually hinder development by insulating these countries from the need to adopt reforms. The report also concludes that using "conditionality"...
Economic Issues

Economic Issues is the IMF's attempt to reach an audience of nonspecialists. The August 2000 issue consists of the article "Promoting Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Learning What Works."
In an announcement this week, the Indian Prime Minister pledges $5 billion in support to Africa

India prime minister pledges billions to Africa Africa Can End Poverty United States African Development Foundation Africa Region: Working Paper Series In recent years, China has increased its investment in Africa by billions of dollars as...