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Middle school education

Computer network resources (2)


4Teachers: Teach with Technology

This website was created by staff members at the Advanced Learning Technologies Project at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. It's well designed, and has a diverse set of resources that will help teachers integrate technology into their classrooms. Visitors who may be on the fence about bringing different technologies into the classroom should definitely check out the...

For the middle school educator looking for new ways to improve classroom instruction, MiddleWeb may be a welcome find. Since 1996, the MiddleWeb team has pulled together web resources, book reviews, and interesting blog posts to share with educators, parents, youth workers and others engaged with teaching and learning in grades four through eight. The goal? To create a community space where the...
Salvadori Center

The Salvadori Center was established in New York City in 1976, when Professor Salvadori of Columbia University was challenged by the New York Academy of Sciences to improve the teaching of math and science in middle schools. Visitors can read the about the vision and values of the Salvadori Center in the "About Us" link, which explains that "[u]sing the urban landscape of buildings, tunnels, and...