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Maps -- Study and teaching


David Rumsey Historical Map Collection: Recent Additions

Passionate about cartography and maps in general since his youth, David Rumsey has amassed an amazing collection of maps and map-related ephemera over the past several decades. The Scout Report has profiled this site a few times over the past years, and the online David Rumsey Historical Map Collection continues to grow by leaps and bounds. This new site is a perfect way to keep tabs on the latest...
EdCommunity ESRI

If you have an interest in the spatial sciences, you'll enjoy the EdCommunity website from Esri. The Education Maps and Data area contains several dozen interactive educational modules designed to teach people about geographic information systems (GIS) and a range of visualization tools. The Lesson Plans are another great find, including hundreds of lessons from "Analyzing Supermarket Access With...
Maps That Teach: US and World Geography

Created by Owl and Mouse Educational Software, this resource uses interactive maps to teach geography. The site provides both Map Puzzles and Interactive Maps. Map Puzzles are downloadable and must be run on Windows. They challenge users to piece together the States of the United States or the countries of the world's continents, depending on the puzzle used. Interactive Maps allow users to move...
Maps: Finding Our Place in the World

How do we find our way through the world, geographically speaking? Do we all carry around a type of "mental map" in our head, formed through experience and repetition? Some would say yes, some would beg to differ. Maps remain a powerful way to represent the world in all its spatial glory, and this online exhibit from The Field Museum explores the history of maps and their history over the...
The 1562 Map of America by Diego Gutierrez

This site is a recent addition to an exitsing Library of Congress (LOC) American Memory Project (last reviewed in the April 30, 1999 Scout Report) collection. The 1562 Map of America by Diego Gutierrez has been placed on the Discovery and Exploration Maps Collection page. Truly one of the LOC's greatest treasures, this handsomely engraved 1562 map of the Americas comes complete with images of sea...