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Earth -- Environmental conditions

Observations. (3)


BioInteractive: EarthViewer

From the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's extraordinary BioInteractive series comes EarthViewer: an interactive resource that allows science students to explore how the earth has changed from the Hadean Eon (approximately 4 - 4.6 billion years ago) through the present. EarthViewer may be best described as an interactive map and timeline. As users scroll across eons and eras, they can view...
Louisiana State University: Earth Scan Laboratory

Louisiana State University's earth station for NOAA polar orbiting and geostationary satellites collects, analyzes, interprets, and distributes earth environmental data. Researchers can view abstracts of the many publications authored by people associated with the laboratory. The web site offers a large quantity of detailed imagery from GOES, MODIS, and other remote sensing equipment as well as a...
The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science

Phrases like "biodiversity climate" and "ecosystems" are becoming ubiquitous on evening television broadcasts, yet some may still be unfamiliar with these terms and concepts. Fortunately, there is "The Habitable Planet" website, which was designed by Annenberg Media for teachers and adult learners who wish to learn more about current events in environmental science. The content on the site is...