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Biology -- Computer network resources -- Directories


Bioinformatics Organization

Bioinformatics.Org is a nonprofit academic organization that is committed to promoting the free exchange of biological information. This Web sitecurrently hosts 48 research projects, along with free software and news. The Frequently Asked Questions section provides an overview of the field of bioinformatics, other resources, and career information. Even though free, registration is required to...
Biology Online: Life Science reference

A solid collection of sites, links, and stand-alone resources, Biology Online seemingly offers all that is biology, at least online. It is an invaluable tool for anyone in need of reliable, authoritative information in the field. Links featured on the site are searchable alphabetically, by specific sub-discipline, or across all sites via Biology Online's search engine. Aside from its extensive and...
Genomics Glossary

Because genomics is an interdisciplinary science that unites biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics, its language is diverse and includes terms not always found in dictionaries. This site from Cambridge Healthtech Institute of Massachusetts was designed to help scientists keep on top of this complex language. Loads of terms in categories such as basic genetics, functional and structural...
Scott's Botanical Links

Professor Scott Russell of the University of Oklahoma Department of Botany and Microbiology maintains this meta-site, which is really two sites in one. It contains a "link of the day" archive (five days a week), consisting of rated and annotated sites, available via the web page and a mailing list. These links are then incorporated into a subject hierarchy (Site Index) in over forty topics...