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Ants -- Identification


Ants of Borneo

The names Aenictinae, Ceraphachyine, Dorylinae, and Dolichoderinae may not mean much to those outside the world of entomology, but these are but a few of the subfamilies of ants profiled on this nice website designed by Martin Pfeiffer of the University of Ulm. These subfamilies of ants are all present in Kinabulu National Park in Malaysia, a tropical rainforest that has the notable distinction of...
California Academy of Sciences: AntWeb

AntWeb, an excellent service of the California Academy of Sciences, provides users with "tools for exploring the diversity and identification of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). These tools have been developed to facilitate the use of ants in inventory and monitoring programs and provide ant taxonomists with images and types." At present, AntWeb offers information on all ant genera worldwide as...
Japanese Ant Image Database

The 2003 revised edition of the Japanese Ant Image Database was developed under the direction of the Japanese Ant Database Group (JADG). The website, which merges taxonomic information and stunning photographs, will no doubt delight myrmecologists and others. Information about different types of ants can be accessed through browseable, hyperlinked lists organized by subfamily, genus, and species....
USDA: FORMIS: A Master Bibliography of Ant Literature

Hosted by the USDA's Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology, this Master Bibliography of Ant Literature, entitled FORMIS, "is a composite of several ant literature databases. It contains citations for a large fraction of the world's ant literature (about 32,000 references). FORMIS contains all known ant taxonomic literature (through 1996)." In addition, FORMIS features...