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Municipal government -- United States -- Statistics


View Resource 2002 Census of Governments

Administered by the United Census Bureau at five-year intervals since 1957, the Census of Governments is one of the most important sources of information about the varied types of governmental units across the entire country. Released in December 2002, this 105-page document contains the official counts of the number of state and local governments, along with tabulations of governments by state,...
View Resource Federal, State, and Local Governments: State and Local Government Finances

Released Monday, this Census Bureau report provides data on state and local spending for 1999. The data are available as Excel tables and self-extracting .zip files (non-delimited, comma delimited, and coefficients of variation, comma delimited) and cover four main areas of finances: revenue, expenditures, debt, and assets. Revenues are detailed by type and source, and expenditures by function....
View Resource Government Organization: 1997 Census of Governments

As required by US law, a census of governments is undertaken every five years. As with the previous one, the 1997 census covers three major fields: government organization, public employment, and government finances. Recently released by the US Census Bureau, this is the first volume of the 1997 census. "The report contains the official counts of the number of state and local governments. It also...