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Created by the European Union, the EuroparlTV site is designed to bring information about their activities to a wide audience. Part of the focus here is on creating better access for young people, but the site can be used by persons of all ages. Users may access a schedule of events, a variety of video clips for all ages and information about current European events. Users may also subscribe to a...
European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research

Given their affiliation with the United Nations, it is not surprising that the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research is well-known for their ambitious work on such topics as affordable housing, social integration, and disability welfare. While their homepage is a bit difficult to navigate at first, it does contain an all-inclusive “search” function, along with easy access to their...
G8 Information Centre at the University of Toronto

Since 1975, the heads of state of the major industrial democracies have met annually to discuss the major economic and political issues facing their respective political entities, and more broadly, the entire international community. This past weekend, these seven main countries (with Russia joining the organization in 2006) met in Evian, France. Provided and developed by the University of...
Inter-Parliamentary Union = Union Interparlementaire

The Inter-Parliamentary Union, a "world organization of parliaments of sovereign States" since 1889, provides this informational site, which is highlighted by two searchable databases, PARLINE and PARLIT. PARLINE contains information about parliaments in over 190 countries, including structure, leader, percentage of women, term, and other useful data which may include distribution by political...
Press Conference of Stanley Fischer, First Deputy Managing Director, IMF: IMF aid package to South Korea

On December 5, 1997, Stanley Fischer, First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF, gave a press conference on the IMF aid package to South Korea. The beginning of the financial crisis in South Korea can be traced to the collapse of Hanbo Steel Corp., the first in a string of large corporate failures in South Korea. This was followed by the decline in the value of the Korean won against the dollar in...
Taking Stock: North American Pollutant Releases and Transfers 1995

This newly-online document from the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) describes "encouraging signs of a drop in pollution" from the major North American industries. The report, available in .pdf format, provides "a continental picture of pollutant release and transfer data (PRTD), based on information provided by the three governments from their domestic PRTD inventories." Users may...