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Pandas -- Pictorial works


Giant Pandas

The Smithsonian Institution National Zoological Park presents this extensive curriculum guide focused on the giant panda, one of the zoo's most famous denizens. Three sets of multidisciplinary lesson plans -- for grades K-4, 5-8, and 9-12 -- "contain all necessary background information and explore giant panda biology, habitat, zoo science, and conservation efforts." For example, the curriculum...
San Diego Zoo: Panda Page

This site is provided by the San Diego Zoo. Visitors may view real time footage of pandas at the zoo with Panda Cam, have their questions answered at the Panda Facts page, or read up on each panda with Panda Profiles. And of course, no one should miss the features devoted to panda Hua Mei, who seems to have spent nearly every minute of her life in front of a camera since her birth at the San Diego...