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Manufacturing processes -- Technological innovations

Research (4)


Cut to Invest: Create a "Race to the Shop" Competition for Advanced Manufacturing

What's next for manufacturing in the United States? It's not an easy question, and fortunately the Brookings Institution has a number of highly qualified experts looking into this key area of the American economy. This recent 11-page paper from experts Bruce Katz and Peter Hamp suggest that a "race to the shop" competition for advanced manufacturing should be initiated in order "to expedite the...
How Products Are Made

In a world that has the capability to create infinitesimally tiny machines, it may be hard for some to understand how the most basic products are created. This website attempts to answer some of those questions, beginning with information on how accordions are made, and ending with a discussion on the creation of zirconium. For each item, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the...