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Computer programming -- Computer network resources


All You Need is Code

Bringing together stakeholders from governmental, technological, and nonprofit sectors, All You Need is Code hopes to "promote coding and computational thinking," in formal and informal settings. The site curates coding resources for Students, Teachers, and Adults. Each section links out to websites, games, lesson plans, and more, making the best resources available in one convenient place. The...
Cplusplus: The C++ Resources Network

Despite being introduced in the 1980's, the C++ programming language remains one of the most commonly used languages for a variety of applications. People who are learning the basics of C++, or more seasoned programmers who just need a refresher, can find a great deal of useful information on this Web site. An easy-to-follow tutorial, complete with detailed examples and clear explanations, is one...
Introduction to Programming Using Java

Created by a professor of computer science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, this online textbook "is suitable for use in an introductory programming course and for people who are trying to learn programming on their own." The free resource uses Java as a basis for discussing principles of data types, subroutines, and other program characteristics that are similarly handled in most common...

Processing is a programming environment designed for producing digital artwork. Its developers describe it as "a flexible software sketchbook ... for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts." With Processing, they wish to promote "software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology." Processing sketchbooks can produce interactive two-dimensional and...