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Infants -- Health and hygiene


View Resource BabyCenter

BabyCenter, provided by BabyCenter, Inc., aims to be a clearinghouse of information for expectant or new parents. Users can consult the Baby Monitor (digests of late breaking news), an interactive baby namer, an Ask the Experts section, and several relevant calculators (including an immunization scheduler, a due date calculator, and a budgeting for baby estimator). The site also contains various...
View Resource KidsHealth

Provided by the Nemours Foundation, KidsHealth contains easily understandable information about childhood infections, child development (from birth to two years), safety and accident prevention, and first aid. The highlight of this site is the section on child development, which allows users to access information in five age divisions or eight different topics from feeding to movement to sleep....
View Resource World Health Organization: Child and Adolescent Health and Development

Along with groups such as the United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization's Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH) division is concerned with the health and well-being of those who range in age from the newly born to age nineteen. It is, as they point out on their website, a rather large group of individuals, and all told, it comprises...