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International law

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FindLaw (discussed in the February 23, 1996 Scout Report) recently added this legal news section to its arsenal of law resources. Daily news feeds from Reuters are available in fourteen categories at this time, ranging from telecommunications to US Justice Department to various types of litigation news. There is a searchable archive, and email updates are available. This is an effective, one-stop...
FindLaw Legal News and Commentary

FindLaw (discussed in the February 23, 1996 Scout Report) offers this legal news section to its arsenal of law resources. Daily news feeds from Reuters are available in fourteen categories at this time, ranging from telecommunications to US Justice Department to various types of litigation news. There is a searchable archive, and email updates are available. This is an effective, one-stop shopping...
Global Policy Forum

The United Nations has a number of policy initiatives occurring in all parts of the globe, and some might ask the question: Who evaluates the effectiveness of such programs? The United Nations does some of this work themselves, but the Global Policy Forum is also intimately concerned with monitoring their programs, along with "promoting accountability of global decisions." Visitors who know what...
International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy

Criminal Justice Policy A joint initiative of the University of British Columbia, Simon Frasier University, and the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy web site provides links to Internet resources relating to criminal law. There are plans to make the Centre's papers and reports available in HTML format; most are...
JURIST's Paper Chase

As one of the many services provided by JURIST (housed at the University of Pittsburgh's Law School), the Paper Chase provides up-to-date legal news for lawyers, legal scholars, law students, and those with a general curiosity about the law. The Paper Chase offers brief digests of current and ongoing legal issues, including strong coverage of international law and events in the U.S. Federal...
United Nations Global Issues

Understanding issues such as atomic energy, AIDS, and human rights can be tremendously difficult. The United Nations (UN) is involved in addressing many of these weighty global issues, so it is fitting that they have established this website to provide summary overviews of these pressing matters. Over two dozen topics are covered here, including demining, atomic energy, family, and water. Within...
United Nations: Human Rights

How does the United Nations work to protect human rights? This subject-specific website provides information on the various offices, officials, policy initiatives, and actions related to this important agenda. There are five main sections to the site: UN Bodies, Thematic Issues, International Courts and Tribunals, Other Resources, and Past Conferences. The UN Bodies section contains information...