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Ocean -- Measurement.


Australia's National Tidal Facility: Data Inventories

Australia's National Tidal Facility is a "fully self-supporting agency within The Flinders University of South Australia specializing in tidal predictions, sea level monitoring and contemporary marine science issues." Their Data Inventories page contains links to products including Australian Baseline Array Sea Level and Meteorological Data, South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project...
NASA's SeaWiFS Project: OceanColor Web

NASA's SeaWiFS Project created the OceanColor website to provide data, images, and information on its ocean color-related activities. Using the Global Ocean Color Browse Utility, visitors can view global images produced by the SeaWiFS Project from 1997 to the present. Through a detailed description and short animations, visitors can learn about SeaWiFS, the SeaStar Spacecraft, and the SeaWiFS...
The TOPEX/ Poseidon Kids Page

In an effort to disseminate information from the TOPEX/ Poseidon satellite project, the Center for Space Research and the Texas Space Grant Consortium have developed the TOPEX/ Poseidon Kids Page. This online activity for younger students explains through simple descriptions and fun illustrations how the satellite measures the height of the ocean. Additional pages include an online quiz, a...