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Housing -- Design and construction

Environmental aspects. (2)


AHRI: Aware Home Research Initiative

The Aware Home Research Initiative (AHRI) is a project at the Georgia Institute of Technology that seeks to "create a home environment that is aware of its occupants' whereabouts and activities." One of the main focuses of AHRI is the design of specialized technologies to assist older adults or help keep them in closer contact with relatives. This site describes the motivation for the initiative...
Building Technology

From residential houses to hundred-story skyscrapers, many different technologies come together to make a building safe and comfortable. Building design is a continually changing industry, and new advances are being made possible as research progresses. Sustainable development is gaining popularity worldwide in an effort to minimize environmental impact. The Center for Resourceful Building...
Metropolis Magazine

Started in 1998, Metropolis Magazine offers a compelling look at the broad world of design, including the fields of architecture, planning, preservation, and crafts. As the website indicates, "Subjects range from the sprawling urban environment to intimate living spaces to small objects of everyday use." What is inviting about this particular site is the amount of publicly-available material that...
Sustainable Building Sourcebook: Straw Bale

The Sustainable Building Sourcebook is an online publication in partnership with the City of Austin, Texas, Green Building Program. This section of the Sourcebook provides information and resources on straw bale construction. The article begins with a definition of straw bale construction as a construction that uses "baled straw from wheat, oats, barley, rye, rice and others in walls covered by...