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Women in mathematics -- Biography


4000 Years of Women in Science

The central claim of this website is that people (both women and men) have been active in science for as long as we have been human, noting that "_Science_ -- the creation of structure for our world -- _technology_ -- the use of structure in our world -- and _mathematics_ -- the common language of structure -- all have been part of our human progress, through every step of our path to the...
Beyond Curie

Beyond Curie is an award-winning digital design project highlighting the careers and accomplishments of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Here, readers will find striking visual imagery combined with short biographies of each featured woman, such as Barbara McClintock, who won a Nobel Prize in 1983 for discovering genetic transposition, and Mary Golda Ross, who was the...
Biographies of Women Mathematicians

The Biographies of Women Mathematicians website is "part of an on-going project by students in mathematics classes at Agnes Scott College, in Atlanta, Georgia, to illustrate the numerous achievements of women in the field of mathematics." Biographical essays or comments on most of the women mathematicians and some photos are posted here. Over 150 names are currently listed and more are being added...