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Agriculture and state -- United States


Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 1996-97

_Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 1996-97_, published by the Economic Research Service of the Department of Agriculture, "identifies trends in land, water, and commercial input use; reports on the condition of natural resources used in the agricultural sector; and describes and assesses public policies that affect conservation and environmental quality in agriculture." The full...
H.R. 2854: Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996

Full text of a major piece of legislation signed into law by the President is available via the Internet. "Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996," (PL 104-127) also known as "The Farm Bill," and "Freedom to Farm Act," is the most far reaching piece of agricultural legislation in over 60 years.
National Drought Policy Commission Reports

On May 16, 2000, the National Drought Policy Commission (NDPC) released its final report and recommended improved preparedness and coordination in anticipation of the threat of droughts in the US. The NDPC's site offers two documents, the Report of the National Drought Policy Commission and the National Drought Policy Commission Executive Summary. The reports were drafted in response to the severe...
Natural Resources Conservation Service

A division of the US Department of Agriculture, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has a mission to provide leadership and partner with private land owners to "help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment." Their home page is useful in that regard as it currently provides significant information on topics related to the 2002 Farm Bill, water...
United States Department of Agriculture: Marketing and Trade

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) works on a range of initiatives to promote the work of farmers markets, organic agriculture, and other aspects of farm culture and production throughout the United States. A quick glance through the materials offers visitors access to their fact sheets, local food marketing initiatives, and the Foreign Agricultural Service. This last area is...