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Space flight -- Study and teaching

Activity programs. (1)


Galileo: From the Man to the Mission

Galileo, the NASA mission, was recently crashed into Jupiter after years of observing the planet and its moons. The mission was named after Galileo Galilei, a scientist who in the early 1600s discovered Jupiter's four largest moons. This Topic in Depth first discusses the life of Galileo the man and then describes Galileo the mission. The first site (1), developed by the University of St.... was created by astronomy buff and elementary school teacher Hiram Bertoch. Her goal of creating a kid friendly Web site that is balanced between text and tech was definitely achieved. Interactive, visually pleasant, and content rich, the site provides kids a great learning resource that is fun to explore. One of the activities "How Big is the Universe" shows a picture of a man in...
NASA's Quest Project

NASA Ames Research Center K-12 World Wide Web Server homepage stated mission: "To provide support and services for schools, teachers and students to fully utilize the Internet, and its underlying information technologies, as one of the basic tools of learning and acquiring knowledge." Links to HPCC & K-12 Internet Projects, partner schools, and other NASA resources on the Internet.
Space Science Institute: Curriculum Materials

Researchers and educators of the Space Science Institute are working together to "expand our knowledge of the space sciences and communicate that knowledge to the public." The Curriculum Materials page of the Web site contains three comprehensive lessons, including: The Kinesthetic Astronomy activity that involves teaching basic astronomical concepts through choreographed bodily movements and...