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Aeronautics -- Study and teaching


Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics

The Learning Technologies Project (LTP) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center provides the Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics Website. This site offers an introduction to the fundamentals of aerodynamics and propulsion. Sections included at the site are Airplanes, Lift, Air, Gliders, Wind Tunnel, Curve Ball, and Forces. Most of the sections include a...
Glenn Learning Technologies Project

The NASA Glenn Research Center hosts this giant site about aerospace technologies, aeronautics, and related math and science. A selection of educational guides, which are essentially online textbooks, explains how airplanes and jet engines work. Problem sets and lesson plans are given at the end of the guides. Countless projects and activities demonstrate the concepts introduced in the background...
NASA eClips

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are the focus of this fantastic website by NASA. It's a teaching tool that utilizes video segments to provide flexibility and inspiration for those teaching STEM-related topics to grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. Additionally, many of the advanced grade segments are appropriate for introductory college level courses in these areas. Launchpad is...
NASA's Quest Project

NASA Ames Research Center K-12 World Wide Web Server homepage stated mission: "To provide support and services for schools, teachers and students to fully utilize the Internet, and its underlying information technologies, as one of the basic tools of learning and acquiring knowledge." Links to HPCC & K-12 Internet Projects, partner schools, and other NASA resources on the Internet.
RAF100: Aiming for Awesome

Celebrating the centennial anniversary of the Royal Air Force, Aiming for Awesome's curriculum connects STEM principles to aviation innovations. Ten resources are provided, with a student and teacher guide linked for each. These resource themes span decades of history and cover numerous topics, including aircrafts, satellites, and stealth vehicles. Additionally, they are highly interactive, with...
Virtual Skies: Aeronautics Tutorial

Drag, lift, and thrust are all seminal concepts in terms of understanding aeronautics, and they are explained in all their glory on this very edifying website. Created by the good people at NASA, this aeronautical tutorial will be useful to those persons studying the world of flight, or just those who want a bit of insight into the world of aeronautical engineering. The site itself is divided into...