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Microbiology -- Databases


Human Mitochondrial Protein Database

The Human Mitochondrial Protein Database (HMPDb) conveniently consolidates information from a number of other databases, including GenBank, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, and the Human Mitochondrial Genome Database. HMPDb "is intended as a tool not only to aid in studying the mitochondrion but in studying the associated diseases" as well. Features include a general database search, a...
Protist Information Server

The Protist Information Server is available through the Soken Taxa Web Server and Japan Science and Technology Corporation. Intended as a resource for research and education, the Protist Information Server contains over 31,000 images of protists representing 487 genera and 1617 species. Users will also find over 500 QuickTime movies, tons of related Web links, a recently added list of biodiversity...
The Peptaibol Database

This online database from the Crystallography Department at Birkbeck College, London "deals primarily with naturally occurring peptides, generally these have a fungal origin." The search function is easy to use; data can be queried by name, family, or residue motif. Another useful feature is the Peptaibol Picture Gallery, which includes images of several peptaibols.

WormBase is the product of "an international consortium of biologists and computer scientists dedicated to providing the research community with accurate, current, accessible information concerning the genetics, genomic, and biology of C. elegans and some related nematodes." This frequently updated Web site has recently made available the complete C. elegans genomic sequence. Offering a number of...