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Religion -- Computer network resources


Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs

The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs was created in 2006 as part of the office of Georgetown University's President. The mission of the Center is to build knowledge, promote dialogue, and to support action "in the service of peace." On the site's homepage, visitors will be presented with five primary sections, including "Programs", "Events", "People", "Media", and "Databases"....
Yale Divinity School: AdHoc Image and Text Database on the History of Christianity

Designed as part of the Yale Divinity Digital Image and Text Library, the AdHoc Image and Text Database is a web-searchable database that contains electronic images and texts related to the history of Christianity. Visitors may begin looking for relevant materials by a keyword search, or decide to peruse a list of categories for browsing. The categories available include listings organized by...