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Emblem books, German


DIMTI: German Emblem Books

The University of Illinois has amassed the largest collection of emblem books in the United States, and beginning in 1998 it embarked on a rather ambitious project to digitize a number of fine titles for public access via the web. As the website notes, "Emblem books can possibly be looked upon as the multi-medial publications of the 17th and 18th centuries." These books link together three...
The Emblemata Politica in Context: Georg Rem's Manuscript at the Newberry Library

Demonstrating that long-term, collaborative research is vital to deeper understanding in all fields, The Emblemata Politica in Context: Georg Rem's Manuscript at the Newberry Library is a digital resource that provides new insight into a classic piece of German history. This project was made possible through the efforts of numerous librarians, scholars, and researchers, especially Mara R. Wade of...