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Science -- Metallurgy


Comprehensive Assessment of Mercury in Streams Explains Sources, Cycling, and Effects

This article on the United States Geological Survey (USGS) website summarizes the findings from a comprehensive assessment of mercury in waterways across the nation. As the article mentions, mercury, which can travel long distances in the atmosphere, is often the product of coal burning for energy production. In the study featured here, about one in four of the predator fish sampled exceeded EPA...
Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining

The Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining's website provides information about the institute's efforts to become a "leading international professional body for the advancement of materials, minerals, and mining to governments, industry, academia, the public and the professions." Researchers can learn about the Institute's main event of 2004, the Materials Congress, along with many other...
SteelMATTER: An Interactive Website for Ferrous Metallurgy

SteelMATTER is a "series of interactive educational software resources aimed at helping students understand the key concepts and relationships in ferrous metallurgy." Guided Study is the main section of the site, which describes the six stages of steel production. Starting the guided study can be slightly confusing because of poor site organization; instead of taking users directly to the first...
University of Wisconsin - Madison: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

The Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Wisconsin - Madison created this website to present its research in climate systems, satellite and remote sensing, and weather systems using a combination of theory, modeling, and diagnostic assessments. Users can learn how the department is utilizing and creating radiation and remote sensing technology to improve radiative...