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Social studies -- Comparative political systems


17th-19th Century British Religious, Political, and Legal Tracts

The University of Missouri Digital Library has a range of digital collections covering much of the fine Show Me State, along with other regions of the United States and the globe. This particular collection brings together key documents that tell the story of British religious, legal, and political history from the 1600s to the 1800s. Visitors can browse at their leisure or perform complex...
A More United Kingdom

How does a nation create a sense of community or national identity? It's no trivial query, and one that countries new and old have struggled with through the ages. The Demos organization's Liam Byrne recently tackled that question in regards to Britain via his thoughtful pamphlet, "A More United Kingdom". Released in September 2008, the 96-page work argues that, "shared standards are the secret to...
A Switch in Time: A New Strategy for America in Iraq

During the months of November and December 2005, the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution brought together a group of experts on Iraq to engage in a critical discussion about US policy. Upon the completion of their work, the Center’s Director, Kenneth M. Pollack, created this intelligent and thoughtful paper that details an alternative approach to the current US...
Academic Earth

Academic Earth provides videos of lectures by top scholars in "Subjects" that range from Astronomy to Entrepreneurship to Religion, from "Universities" as celebrated as MIT, Berkeley, Harvard, and Stanford. Visitors must register to view the lectures, but registration is free. There are over 1500 video lectures available, with more being added everyday. In addition to viewing the lectures...
Afghanistan Unveiled

Get a first-hand look at women's lives in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban by following a team of female journalists. These 14 young women, some still teenagers, trained as camera operators and video journalists at the AINA ( Afghan Media and Culture Center in Kabul between July 2002 to August 2003. They used their new skills to document the harsh lives of rural...
African Elections Project

Interest in the election results within various African nations continues to grow, and the African Elections Project is a great source of information on this timely topic. The Project is coordinated by the International Institute for ICT Journalism and a number of additional partners, such as the Open Society Initiative for West Africa and Global Voices. The material on the site is available in...
African Union

As visitors enter this site, they will be presented with a collage of African nations coming together to form the entire continent, accompanied by the words “Africa must unite.” It is a visually stimulating image, and one that sets the tone quite nicely for the content within. The site is the homepage of the African Union (AU), which was created in 1999 as part of a declaration from the...
America at a Crossroads

Since the events of September 11, 2001, Americans have done a great deal of soul-searching about what the future role the United States will play in international affairs. In many ways, any response to such an inquiry will contain many different layers and ideas. In April 2007, PBS began their investigations into this complex area by showing the first episode of "America at a Crossroads". Through...
American National Election Studies

Established in 1977 by the National Science Foundation, the American National Election Studies (ANES) remains as vital a national research resource as ever. Their website provides important information about public opinion in the United States along with sophisticated election databases that will be useful to policy makers and social scientists. Along the left-hand side of their site visitors will...
As unrest continues in Guinea, a number of international organizations respond

Discontent in Guinea Nears Boiling Point [Free Registration May Be Required] UNHCR Plans to Repatriate Liberian Refugees From Guinea [Real Player] Call for lifting of stage of siege after week-long news...
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