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Cubans -- United States


Luis J. Botifoll Oral History Project

This intriguing collection from the University of Miami Libraries brings together videos, outlines, and selected transcripts of oral history interviews conducted with first-generation Cubans exiled since the Cuban Revolution. The project began in 2008 and its stated goal is "to document the Cuban experience on the island and in the diaspora." Currently, the project contains over 40 interviews with...
The Cuban Rafter Phenomenon: A Unique Sea Exodus

Drawing on the talents of three local scholars in and around Miami, this interactive and informative website offers an unique perspective into the experience of the thousands of citizens who left Cuba in small boats, homemade rafts and other such crafts during the raft crisis of 1994. The broader theme of the site is the general post-1959 migration of Cubans to America, which has been the subject...