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Economics -- Blogs



Birthday cake, croissants, and lemon meringue pie may not be the first objects that come to mind when one ponders micro- and macro-economics, but Bakeonomics350, a creative blog bringing economic principles to the kitchen, makes these fields tasty and tangible. The blog was started by Susan, an avid baker and professor of Economics, who combined both skills to show "the sweeter side of economics."...
Dan Ariely

Professor Dan Ariely holds PhDs in cognitive psychology and business administration from Duke University, but he views himself, first and foremost, as a behavioral economist. In other words, he studies how psychology affects the economic decisions of individuals and institutions. In addition to his empirical research on the topic, Ariely also writes about it in plain language on his web page. Here...
Larry Summers' Blog

Larry Summers has built an impressive resume as one of the world's most prominent economists. He has been a professor at Harvard, the Chief Economist at the World Bank, Deputy Secretary for International Affairs of the United States Department of the Treasury, and, from 2001 to 2006, president of Harvard University. Since 2010, he has also written extensively about domestic economic policy for...
Macro and Other Market Musings

David Beckworth, associate professor of economics at Western Kentucky University, adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, and former economist at the U.S. Department of Treasury, has been writing a highly informed economics blog since 2007. While the posts assume a certain familiarity with macroeconomic theory, anyone who has taken a high school economics class will be able to follow the vast...
Real Time Economics

The Wall Street Journal's Real Time Economics blog provides incisive, up-to-date information on national and global markets. The blog is updated multiple times a day as news breaks on dozens of fronts related to economics and related topics. One interesting way to follow the blog is to simply read the news feeds as they appear on the homepage. Readers may also like to scout the categories of...
Up Front Blog: Brookings Institution

If you'd like a front row seat to some of the most compelling policy commentary in the United States, you may want to keep tabs on this useful blog from the Brookings Institution. Each weekday, different policy experts offer a bit of commentary on topics that include immigration policy, disaster preparedness, and the use of technology by the federal government. Visitors can comment on each entry,...