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Economic development

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Uzbekistan (1)


A Better World for All

According to this new report from the World Bank, 1.2 billion people worldwide live on less than $1 a day; another 1.6 billion people live on less than $2 a day. "A Better World for All" outlines the concerns and goals for setting the groundwork to reduce global poverty. Loaded with charts, graphs, and images, this 28-page report, available in HTML and .pdf formats, allows readers to understand...
Apps for Development: World Bank

The World Bank is stepping up to the new media plate by asking concerned app developers to bring out their innovative software applications that "move us a step closer toward solving some of the world's most pressing problems." On the site, visitors can look over all of the apps that have been submitted as part of this initiative, and they are all quite interesting. They include "Food Factor",...
Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE)

Berkeley Roundtable on International Economy (BRIE) is a research project based at the University of California at Berkeley that examines the "real-world interactions of technology, markets, and economies" and "formulate[s] path-breaking positions that challenge conventional economic policy-making." Visitors to the site will find a collection of working papers, research papers and research notes...
Center for International Development at Harvard University

Established in 1998 by the Harvard Institute for International Development and the Kennedy School of Government, the Center for International Development (CID) is Harvard's primary center for research on sustainable international development. The CID is currently headed by Professor Dani Rodrik, who provides oversight and direction for the Center. On the site, visitors can learn about upcoming...
Centre for Economic Performance

Established by the Economic and Social Research Council in 1990, the Centre for Economic Performance CEP at the London School of Economics and Political Science is one of the most prominent and established economic research groups in Europe. By focusing on the major links between globalization, technology and institutions, the CEP studies the determinants of economic performance at the level of...
Centre for the Study of African Economies

A research center within the Institute of Economics and Statistics, University of Oxford, the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) applies macroeconomic and microeconomic methods to African sociological, demographic, and political contexts. Selected abstracts and working papers from 1993 to present are available on topics ranging from central bank policy to health, crop choice, wages,...
Cities Seek to Attract the Emerging Creative Class

Throughout the twentieth century, numerous commentators, pundits, and scholars have proffered numerous strategies for maintaining the vitality and economic growth of urban areas. Some of the more traditional forms of economic development have included the construction of sports facilities, festival marketplaces, and new buildings for established cultural institutions, such as art museums and opera...
Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy

Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy is a three-part, six-hour documentary series and Web site. Providing a comprehensive history of the ideas, events, and values that have shaped the present global economy, the Commanding Heights Web site examines the history of the global economy and demonstrates how key economic theories have evolved in the context of historical events. The...

Developed at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, Eldis receives funding from a wide range of sources, including the World Bank and the Global Development Network. The core function of Eldis is to act as an Internet-based information service, maintaining a library of online documents and resource guides to such relevant development topics as climate change, health...
eldis Country Profiles

This new briefing service from eldis (Electronic Development and Environment Information System) (originally reviewed in the October 9, 1997 Scout Report for Business & Economics) offers access to a large amount of informative material on individual countries. The heart of this material will be multiple documents providing sectoral profiles of Agriculture, Environment, Economics, Gender, Politics,...
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