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BIOSCI/BIONET Electronic Newsgroup Network for Biology

BIOSCI is a set of Usenet newsgroups and parallel email forums designed to facilitate communication between bioscience professionals. At the heart of the site is a very briefly annotated listing of the over 100 Usenet BIOSCI newsgroups, each with browsable and searchable archives. It also contains searchable and browsable table of contents lists for over 80 subject-specific journals. In addition,...
Organic Chemistry and Your Cellphone

The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science releases new and helpful teaching materials on a regular basis. This recent addition to the Center's great resources deals with organic chemistry and cellphones. Crafted by Courtney Meyet and Richard Hooley of the University of California, Riverside, this case study guides students "through a systematic exploration of the synthesis and...
Press Releases of Science Journal Articles and Subsequent Newspaper Stories on the Same Topic

This article from Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) documents how scientific news is made and perpetuated. The authors found evidence that "journal articles described in press releases, in particular those described first or second in the press release, are associated with the subsequent publication of newspaper stories on the same topic." Though not a surprising result, the...