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Biology -- Classification -- Databases


Biodiversity of Mexico: Fauna, Flora and Ecology

Designed as a vehicle for showcasing the extraordinary biological diversity of Mexico, this well-designed site is rather user-friendly, and provides a host of material about the flora and fauna of the country. Visitors can dive right in by looking through the "Animals," "Plants," or "Places" sections of the site. Within each section, visitors can read brief essays, search for various animals or...
Catalogue of Life

We originally featured the Catalogue of Life in the 3-30-2018 Scout Report, and since then this resource has added approximately 200,000 species to its vast index. For researchers and students interested in global biodiversity, the Catalogue of Life is an index consisting of over 1.8 million species from around the globe. The catalogue collects this information from over 200 taxonomic...
NCBI Taxonomy Browser

The NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) Taxonomy Browser, enables users to search for taxonomic information using the name of superspecific taxa (e.g., Porifera) or the name of a particular organism (e.g., Thalarctos maritimus or polar bear). Returns provide, in addition to taxonomic information, genetic information, nucleotide/protein sequence information, and references.
Protist Information Server

The Protist Information Server is available through the Soken Taxa Web Server and Japan Science and Technology Corporation. Intended as a resource for research and education, the Protist Information Server contains over 31,000 images of protists representing 487 genera and 1617 species. Users will also find over 500 QuickTime movies, tons of related Web links, a recently added list of biodiversity...